EMPOWERED HUMAN with Nina Garcia
Here, you're invited to play with being human, and you'll be given the skills to transform hard conversations - around your identity and diverse human narratives - into teachable moments. Empowered Human with Nina Garcia: an episodic journey to your most vibrant self, with new episodes every Wednesday. Subscribe now 🎉
EMPOWERED HUMAN with Nina Garcia
Know Thy Triggers: Leaning in with Nina Repost from April 13 2022
“I keep exploding...I keep imploding! What do I do with all these triggers?" Triggers come from highly emotional circumstances folks. Listen in to learn what happens when you lean in, Empowered Human 🌿
💌 Dive into a triggered moment to deepen understanding around triggers, especially those related to sexual assault.
💌 Strengthen your ability to respond more effectively to personal triggers.
💌 Experiment with “leaning in” to lessen the control triggers have over your identity.
What you'll get:
0:00 Empowered Human Throwback Intro.
4:10 Beginning of the Original Episode
6:24 Story: Recognizing Assault
14:12 Step1: Write a list of your Trigger
16:06 Step 2: Empower yourself to Lean In
21:52 Leaning In
27:37 PTSD is not a life sentence
🎁 "Leaning In" Diagram
🎁Get Empowered Now with Nina's Offerings
*** Reminder: we are in a throwback episode phase while Nina writes the book: she’ll be listening in with you to see how things have transformed over the years! ***
Empowered Human with Nina Garcia is an episodic journey for self justice, personal freedom, and lifelong liberation. We can all use tools to recondition cultural beliefs that don't serve our lived experience as a human being. It starts with you, so have a journal on hand or a good friend to dialogue with what comes up for you in this episode. And if you can't play with this today? That's okay too. Stay curious. We'll see you later, or in the next episode friend. New episodes Wednesdays, with a tool for Empowerment in each one: subscribe for notifications!